Why is product SEO essential for e-commerce businesses, and how to start today picture

Why is product SEO essential for e-commerce businesses, and how to start today!

SEO is no doubt the most prominent tool available to increase online sales. Ranking higher on google gives you an immeasurable advantage over your competitors. Without further ado, let’s dive into how SEO can help your business.

1. Visibility

SEO works wonders in bringing traffic to your website.  Organic search is a huge component of getting views on the website. SEO is vital for the ranking of the page on SERP (search engine results page). About 25% of users don’t get past the first page of results. Good SEO will allow your site to get much-needed visibility.

2. Web traffic

About 33% of users click on the first link on SERP, and about 75% of users are on the top five results. So what does that mean? In order to get more traffic on the website, your page needs to rank in the top five, ideally the first. SEO helps your page rank in the top five and possibly make yours first. 

3. Authority

Authority basically means how trustworthy your website is. SEO, more specifically backlinking, helps build users’ trust and rank your page on SERP. Backlinking is an integral component of SEO, where other websites refer to your website. In other words, other websites acknowledge your website. More authority also means more conversion of the traffic into customers. 

4. Better visitor experience

SEO generates a lot of content for the viewers. Content directly leads to a better experience for the visitors to the site. If visitors have a better experience on your website, that’s more potential customers. Satisfied customers also tend to bring new customers to your website.

In conclusion, SEO is an organic way to increase your sales and help your business bloom. 

SEO increases traffic to your website, turns visitors into potential customers, and builds trust with your customers. SEO will give you the necessary edge over your competitors. 

Coming to the second part of the article, how to start! There are many elements to SEO, but we will break it down for you in easy-to-understand points. 

1. Keywords research

Keywords are definitely the most known part of SEO. Choosing the right keywords can be the difference between success and failure. There are tools present on the web like Google keyword planner, Ubersuggest which can help you find the right keyword. Several important points to keep in mind are

  1. Don’t use multiple keywords for a single product, which discredits the website
  2. Search for keywords that your competition is trying to rank for.
  3. You can look for keywords that your opponents aren’t trying to rank for.

2. Optimize your pages

Optimizing the pages that you are trying to rank for is crucial. The best way to do that for an e-commerce website is to optimize each product.  Here is how to optimize your page

– Optimize images by altering ALT text, title, and description

– Use keywords in the title

– Using SEO content in the product descriptions

– Use LSI keywords. You can find them on google’s SERP

– Add product reviews

– Use targeted URLs

– Write articles/blogs for your product

3. Perfect your site structure

Ranking on SERP can be complicated even if your product pages are perfect. To make sure that Google ranks your product, it’s essential to have pages in a logical order. 

Build a basic structure of your website. Build a list of groups and parent pages, specify a set of product pages below those, and maintain the frame as you add new pages.

Keep the content less than three clicks away from the homepage.

DO NOT keep duplicate pages. Around half of the websites have duplicate pages. Duplicate pages are incredibly harmful to SEO.

4. Improve your website speed.

The importance of website speed can’t be stressed enough. User retention is highly affected if the website loads slowly. 

5. Include fresh and interactive content

Last but not least, you should have new and interactive content to remain higher on SERP. No doubt, encouraging user behavior boosts your SEO score.

Including customer reviews is the best way to increase customer interaction. Another way to ensure user interaction is to add social media share icons. 

In conclusion, product SEO is vital for e-commerce, and it is a no-brainer that most businesses already know how important SEO is. Any individual can do SEO if he is up to the task. However, product SEO does involve a lot of nuances. Our advice? Find a professional who knows the ins and outs of SEO. That way you can ensure your website gets the edge against your competitors. 

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